

1.888.234.9930 #114 - 4303 26 Street NE · Calgary · Alberta · T1Y 7K2

Membership Details

1. Membership Types

2. Full Membership of the Society requires the applicant to meet one of the following criteria

Notes: 2a. Proof of service required, 2b. Proof of current service required, 2c. Letter, email recommending full membership from a member of the Board of Directors (2ab excluded).

2.1 Expectations

2.2 Rights

3. Associate Membership of the Society requires the applicant to meet the following criteria

Any person can apply directly or be nominated by a full or associate member.

3.1 Expectations

3.2 Rights

4. Honorary Membership is by nomination

Must be vetted and approved by the Board of Directors.

Notes: A person who supports, endorses, promotes the Society beyond regular activities (Local Councillor, MLA, MP, senior military officers, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, legacy donors etc.).

4.1 Expectations

4.2 Rights